How everything started

November ’18, Munich, a simple call…

From one moment to the other, I had to realize that lifetime is not endless. In the upcoming weeks and months, I struggled, researching about life, about death, and about the sense of everything.

Today, about four years later, I know that this time was quite valuable to me, because I took everything positive out of this situation I could. When you seriously (I mean seriously seriously) realize that we as humans just have a limited time to live and don’t know how long it will last, you’re definitely going to think about how you want to spend that time. You will ask yourself, what is important to you, what makes you happy, what do you want to achieve, what is your passion. You will change.

During that time back in the days, I read a lot. I read about how people set their life goals and how they even think about that. One of those books was “The big five for life” by John P. Stralecky. It gave me a lot back then. I started to think, what could be my big five for life. Super fast, I realized, I had my greatest times during traveling with my family, with my friends. I am totally interested in different cultures, languages, stories. So that is it – my first, of my big five for life: Traveling the World. Explore as many different places in this world as possible. Meet a lot of different people, from different cultures, with different religions, orientations, languages. We get born (at least most of us) in a room of 30 square meters. There are about 510 million km² more to explore. No reason always just to stay at one place. I am already happy in my daily life, but when I am on my way for a trip, it’s that feeling, people probably call … passion.

Besides that, I gained interest in writing and photography during the past years. While I was at an event in the Laeiszhalle in Hamburg, listening to a speech of Markus Lanz, watching his collage of pictures from his trips to Greenland, I made a decision. I want to start my own Blog, to present and to conserve my trips, not only the pictures but also the emotions, my thoughts, description of happy and sad moments. I want to create my own lifetime travel diary – public accessible, so everybody who is interested can join me, and who knows, maybe get inspired for their next trips.

But who is this guy, writing about himself and his trips? Easy answer: It’s Rico! Nice to meet you! When I started this blog, I was a 27-year-old IT consultant living in the beautiful city of Hamburg. By day, I am deep diving into SAP, helping companies optimize their systems and streamline their operations. Sounds interesting, right? I agree! If I need a break from that to refresh my mind, I transform into a true adventurer, always on the lookout for new places to explore and experiences. While not being busy jet-setting to far-off lands, I can be found hitting the gym and working on my fitness. I am also an avid reader, devouring books on a wide range of subjects. But perhaps my greatest love of all is for good food, delicious coffee, and live music.

But from now on, there will be a new activity in my life. Writing down all my impressions from trips to all over the world. To conserve feelings, opinions, emotions, pictures. I seriously cannot imagine and I am curious how it will feel, reading my texts after a couple of years or decades. But I am also excited to do so.

Wat Phra Kaeo in Bangkok

I know on the world wide web, there are thousands of different travel blogs already. I haven’t seen any of them. I am starting this blog mainly for me, myself and I. As already mentioned, to conserve feelings, opinions, emotions, and pictures. To have a review of my last trip, think about what I experienced because I am sure, we cannot sort all the impressions during traveling. Actually, this is what the content of my blog posts will look like! On this site, you won’t find any advertisement or paid recommendations. Sure, maybe I will recommend hotels, restaurants, bars, whatever – but it will always be recommended because I really enjoyed it.

All the pictures – without exception – are taken by myself. If you find a portrait of a single person, I asked them for confirmation before I published it. The last aspect brings me to a special subject of my blog. The inspiring individuals! How often do you travel to a country without speaking to locals? Right! There is this quote, that it’s all a matter of perspective. That’s it – Maybe people from other parts of the globe have a different view on this world, life, everything, and this is what I want to understand! I am not really sure how people will react when I ask them if I can invite them to a coffee (in their favorite local cafe) for a short deep talk. I am super excited to start this, but not sure yet how it will turn out at the end. We all can be curious about that – we are going to find out the answer in the upcoming months and years!

Zugspitze in Germany

I love to travel. I guess you got that already, but what kind of trips do I do? There is not a single answer. It depends on the time of year, my mood, my condition, if I’m traveling alone or not, with whom I go on a trip, which country and place I am going to visit. I really like all different kinds of trips. Sometimes I go on an All-inclusive vacation just to relax (this is actually how I grew up), then I go on a road trip in Europe, backpacking in Asia, city trip and staying in a hostel, climbing a mountain. I guess the mix of all these different kinds of trips makes traveling so special to me.

I will enjoy filling this blog in the coming time. I am looking forward to your support and excited for your feedback.

Somewhere in Tokushima, Japan

One Reply to “How everything started”

  1. Raw like a true traveller poet writer (if thats even a word) 🤪. Well-writen and well thought through. Loving it to the core. What a brave man Rico is, very brave that he does not hesitate to show the world who he is. And it is, definitely going to be amazingggg ❤️

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