What can you expect

I know on the world wide web, there are thousands of different travel blogs already. I haven’t seen any of them. I am starting this blog mainly for me, myself and I. As already mentioned, to conserve feelings, opinions, emotions, and pictures. To have a review of my last trip, think about what I experienced because I am sure, we cannot sort all the impressions during traveling. Actually, this is what the content of my blog posts will look like! On this site, you won’t find any advertisement or paid recommendations. Sure, maybe I will recommend hotels, restaurants, bars, whatever – but it will always be recommended because I really enjoyed it.

All the pictures – without exception – are taken by myself. If you find a portrait of a single person, I asked them for confirmation before I published it. The last aspect brings me to a special subject of my blog. The inspiring individuals! How often do you travel to a country without speaking to locals? Right! There is this quote, that it’s all a matter of perspective. That’s it – Maybe people from other parts of the globe have a different view on this world, life, everything, and this is what I want to understand! I am not really sure how people will react when I ask them if I can invite them to a coffee (in their favorite local cafe) for a short deep talk. I am super excited to start this, but not sure yet how it will turn out at the end. We all can be curious about that – we are going to find out the answer in the upcoming months and years!